A Republic Under Assault Page 4
Next, came the main course. The “Steele Dossier” had to be leaked to the media. And it was.
Not only was it liberally and promiscuously shared with numerous reporters and democratic operatives, but with those in the U.S. intelligence community as well. Long before the American public learned of this corrupt and immoral dossier, it had become an open secret within official Washington.
This open secret landed loudly and squarely on the desk of pro–Hillary Clinton, anti–Donald Trump FBI director James Comey.
But wait, again… just like when ordering a “As seen on TV” product… there is still much, much more.
While the Democrats, the liberal mainstream media, and the founders of Fusion GPS bent over backward to keep it from the American people, it should be screamed from the mountaintops that Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch also had a secret, high-level meeting with… drumroll please… senior Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr during the campaign. But wait, it gets even more comically disgraceful. As it turns out, Fusion GPS also hired Bruce Ohr’s CIA-connected wife, Nellie, to do some “investigative” work for them. Next, how about Justice Department official Bruce Ohr also meeting with the Russia-connected, former British spy Christopher Steele.
Talk about unethical and potentially criminal conflicts, the tangled webs of deception and outright lies that gave birth to that wasteful Robert Mueller investigation.
Oh, and it should also be noted and seared into our memories that the DNC continued to pay Fusion GPS for its “research” right up until the end of October 2016—in other words, just days before the presidential election.
* * *
Ironically—at least for those of us who do believe in the rule of law and the republic it protects—some very dark clouds do indeed have a silver lining. Even a dark cloud created to pour acid rain down upon the Trump presidential campaign and our very Constitution.
That ironic silver lining appeared because of the release of the fraudulent FISA application to “investigate” the alleged—and now know to be fictional—“collusion” between the Trump presidential campaign and Russia.
Because of its release, we were able to learn of the deeply troubling background that seemed to trace the very beginnings of this conspiracy against Trump and his presidential campaign all the way back to the Oval Office of… President Barack Obama.
Not only does it appear that President Obama knew about this scheme, but he may have pushed and directed at least parts of it.
Luckily, we don’t have to imagine that may have happened. James Clapper, Obama’s then director of national intelligence, was more than happy to spell it out for Anderson Cooper on CNN.
Said Clapper in part in July 2018:
“If it weren’t for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today. Including Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place.”
What? President Obama may have known much more about this plot to take down a political opponent than he let on? Say it ain’t so.
But, as we have all learned by now, it wasn’t just President Obama, but his highly compromised CIA director John Brennan as well.
Not surprisingly, while the mainstream media refused to make anything out of Clapper’s jaw-dropping bit of information, we can still surmise ourselves that President Obama and John Brennan knew the allegations against Trump were false, but pushed them anyway.
Over the course of the last few years, former CIA director John Brennan has proven himself to be unhinged when it comes to President Trump. His animus against the president is not only deep felt, but disturbing.
For instance, after President Trump held a mini-summit with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in July 2018, Brennan bizarrely tweeted out that Trump’s remarks, stating that he hoped to strengthen relations with Russia and that he had more trust in some of what Putin was saying compared to some in the U.S. Deep State, were “nothing short of treasonous,” and “the threshold of high crimes and misdemeanors.”
That someone with such demented thinking became the director of the CIA under the leadership of President Barack Obama speaks volumes about the ethics, values, and judgment of both men.
But, while we know now that Brennan suffers from an incurable case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, we did not know that in the summer of 2016 when he was actually in charge of the Central Intelligence Agency.
It was then that he felt certain that his beloved candidate Hillary Clinton was almost a shoo-in to become the next president of the United States. And if so, she could keep him on as director of the CIA.
With that devotion and his ambition stated, it’s easy to see why he would want to make certain Hillary Clinton was elected in November 2016.
But, while Brennan’s mind was deeply clouded by partisan hatred, it was still clear enough to remember that it was against the law for the CIA to engage in domestic spying operations.
No problem. Let’s connect a few more dots.
Remember, the vile and discredited “Steele Dossier” had already been widely leaked and was an open secret within the media and Democratic power centers of Washington, DC.
Obviously—because of his job title and his loyalty to Hillary Clinton—one of the first people who would have gotten a hold of that document would have been CIA director John Brennan.
But, because Brennan knew he had a very serious legal constraint in the fact that the CIA could not operate domestically, he had to figure out a clandestine way for him to continue spreading the dossier within the most powerful circles to smear and take down Trump without being discovered.
What better way than to have a secret meeting with then Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid in August 2016, tell him about the “shocking” contents of the dossier, and let nature take its course.
It worked.
Reid—then one of the most powerful people in Congress—fired off a letter to FBI director James Comey citing the “evidence” that he came across showing a “direct connection” between the Trump campaign and Russia.
The fix was now in across the liberal media, throughout the Democrat Party hierarchy, and at the highest levels of our intelligence agencies.
Don’t take our word for it. John Brennan himself was anxious to brag about it and cover himself in “glory” with the Far Left out to take down a legally and legitimately elected president of the United States.
Brennan appeared on MSNBC with Rachel Maddow in August 2018 to crow about the collusion of intelligence agencies marshalled together to smear President Donald J. Trump.
Admitted Brennan in part: “We put together a Fusion-Center at the CIA that brought NSA and FBI officers together with CIA to make sure those proverbial dots would be connected.”
Wow. Simply wow.
This plot was hatched under the Obama FBI designation “Crossfire Hurricane.” This is the code name the FBI gave to its own bogus counterintelligence operation, which it launched under false pretenses against the Trump campaign and numerous innocent individuals.
A “Hurricane” indeed. A storm of epic governmental corruption that left a wake of personal destruction in its path.
The FBI investigation; the Mueller investigation; the fraudulent FISA applications and searches; the tens of millions of taxpayer dollars wasted. Lives and reputations destroyed, all because of a phony and discredited dossier created by former British spy Christopher Steele on behalf of Fusion GPS. A dossier that was bought and paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign with the sole mission of smearing and taking down candidate and then President Donald J. Trump.
The dossier was used by the Obama administration (and the Mueller operation) even as the leadership of the Obama administration and top Deep State leadership at FBI, CIA, and NSC knew or should have known that it
was false and politically motivated.
But then, that was the whole point.
The “Steele Dossier” was meant to be weaponized from day one as the instrument to take down a political opponent whom President Obama and his Deep State hacks at the FBI, the CIA, and the NSC despised and saw to be a threat to their own personal and partisan ambitions.
The more we learn of this plot to take down a political opponent and subvert our Constitution, and the rules of law, the more questions we have.
For instance: Was then President Barack Obama a ringleader of this failed coup attempt or was he merely a tool to be used by Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and other Deep State operatives to achieve their objectives?
If Obama was a willing and eager ringleader—as documents and testimony seem to suggest—then why?
Did he want to facilitate a Hillary Clinton victory to protect his legacy while ensuring that his secrets and multiple failings remained buried under the layers of Obama and then Hillary Clinton political appointees who had burrowed extensively into every federal agency?
As these and many other questions continue to be asked—and get answered—what remains crystal clear to the American people who believe in our republic and the rule of law is that the Obama, Clinton, and Deep State machines colluded as one to improperly interfere in the election of an American president.
An un-American collusion at the highest levels of our political, governmental, and intelligence apparatus that knowingly used false and tainted information as the basis to activate numerous federal assets to scam the FISA court and in order to smear and even jail numerous innocent Americans.
Such a collusion is often called something else: a crime.
More than that, those activities would be—and are—felonies punishable by years or decades in prison.
As this investigation continues to play out, we are faced with one overriding question: Is our own Justice Department—filled with former Obama and Clinton political appointees and loyalists, along with an assortment of “Never-Trump” Republican appointees—much too deeply compromised to bring those who committed these multiple crimes against our nation and the integrity of its electoral process to justice?
We ask that tough question precisely because of inconsistencies, obstruction, and falsehoods coming out of the FBI and the Justice Department.
Current FBI director Christopher Wray seems to have caught the disease of the “cover-up.”
Wray and his top operatives clearly now know that the FBI’s fake, counterintelligence “Crossfire Hurricane” operation against the Trump campaign and a number of innocent individuals was based on a completely discredited dossier. Because of that, it seems logical to assume that some FBI agents and some Justice Department officials involved in that operation and inwardly harboring ill-will toward then candidate and now President Trump might try all in their power to cover their tracks and obstruct a fair and honest investigation of their activities.
Does current FBI director Wray share that same assumption and deep concern? Does he know how truly tainted, shameful, and dangerous this internal rogue operation run from within his own organization was to the stability of our very republic?
We say that, because with each passing day, it becomes more and more clear that the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” operation was deeply infected by… wait for it… Russian disinformation.
Russian disinformation.
This is a fact that many in the mainstream media and the Democrat Party knew and tried to obscure at all costs.
With regard to the bogus “Crossfire Hurricane” being infected by Russian disinformation, Senate homeland security chairman Ron Johnson and Senate finance chairman Chuck Grassley called out the current director of the FBI. Stressed Johnson and Grassley in part:
We are deeply troubled by the Crossfire Hurricane team’s awareness of and apparent indifference to Russian disinformation, as well as by the grossly inaccurate statements by the FBI official in charge of the investigation and its supervisory intelligence analyst… what other parts of the FBI’s investigation were infected by Russian disinformation?
As well they—and all of us—should be.
Especially in light of the fact that declassified intelligence footnotes showed that U.S. intelligence agencies determined that Russian Intelligence Services (RIS) were well aware of Christopher Steele’s fraudulent investigation into then candidate Donald Trump during the summer of 2016 and that a number of Steele’s sources supported Hillary Clinton.
On that point, Senators Johnson and Grassley dropped the hammer on the current director of the FBI. They said in part:
The FBI knew that Russian intelligence was targeting Christopher Steele’s company, that Steele relied on sources affiliated with Russian intelligence, and at least two of Steele’s reports were described as the product of a Russian disinformation campaign. Because these facts show the intention, means, and ability to plant Russian disinformation in Steele’s reporting, they suggest that the prevalence of such disinformation in the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation may have been widespread.
Not only was the “Steele Dossier” that launched the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation a political hit job from the start, but it was riddled with purposeful Russian disinformation as well.
Again, any wonder that some in the FBI and the Department of Justice may be doing all in their power to cover up this monumental screwup. I also suspect that even the Russian disinfo may have been Western intel smears made to look “Russian” as evidence suggests some of the sources may have had as many links to Western intelligence agencies as to the Russians.
In December 2019, Department of Justice inspector general Michael Horowitz blistered the Justice Department and the FBI for at least seventeen “significant errors and omissions” related to the bogus FISA warrants against Trump campaign associate Carter Page and for the FBI’s reliance on the “Steele Dossier” created for the opposition research firm Fusion GPS and funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
The Department of Justice and the FBI getting publicly spanked by their own inspector general is one thing. Getting outed as complicit is deeply troubling.
And outed they were.
Footnotes from Inspector General Horowitz’s FISA investigation report revealed some significant bombshells. These bombshells are blowing up in the faces of those who hid them.
For instance, the inspector general revealed that the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane team was briefed on a document detailing that an individual dubbed “Person 1” and described as a “Key Steele sub-source” had been someone with “historical contact with persons and entities suspected of being linked to Russian Intelligence Services.” The document further revealed that “Person 1 was… a former KGB/SVR officer.”
It gets much more troubling.
The footnotes from the inspector general also revealed that senior Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr told a senior FBI agent that he had met with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, who said that “Person 1” was a “Russian Intelligence Services Officer” central to connecting Trump to Russia.
As these despicable secrets—and potentially serious crimes—continue to leak and pour out, stonewalling by loyalists to Obama and Hillary Clinton within the FBI and the Department of Justice is to be expected.
Taking that as a given, we can assure you that Judicial Watch is doing everything in its power to expose the guilty and call attention to their intertwined illicit and illegal activities.
The reason we can say that with such confidence is that the absolute fact is that Judicial Watch has done more investigation of the Obama administration’s and Deep State schemes to overthrow candidate and then President Donald J. Trump than any federal agency, media outlet, or Congress.
One name, more than any other, has come to personify the despicable, and criminal conduct of the vari
ous Deep State operatives that worked overtime to overthrow the elected president of the United States of America.
That face belongs to disgraced former FBI director James Comey.
It truly boggles the mind to even state this, but as someone who had been director of the FBI, Comey was leaking President Trump’s FBI files/documents to the liberals as part of a vendetta over Trump’s well-considered firing of him.
He leaked as an act of pure revenge against a president—with the express and admitted purpose of spurring the appointment of a “special counsel.”
In the act of leaking to harm President Trump, Comey also deliberately smeared the good name of a true American hero, that of retired lieutenant general Michael Flynn, a highly decorated U.S. Army commander who led forces into combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
More than smeared, we now know Comey purposely planned to set a trap for and frame this innocent man. He set out to frame an American hero who put his life on the line countless times to protect us all.
Don’t just take my word for it. James Comey himself bragged about it.
In 2018, during an interview with liberal “Never Trumper” NBC talking head Nicolle Wallace at a 92nd Street Y conference, Wallace asked Comey about this very subject:
“You look at this White House now and it’s hard to imagine two FBI agents ending up in the Sit [Situation] room, how did that happen?” Wallace asked.
“I sent them,” Comey brazenly admitted with a slight smile.
He personally sent the two FBI agents into the White House, who, records strongly suggest, entrapped the then national security adviser to the president of the United States.
Comey next admitted it was “[s]omething I probably wouldn’t have done or even gotten away with in a more organized investigation, a more organized administration.”
Something he wouldn’t have “done or even gotten away with” before. Why? Because it was unethical, and likely unlawful.
Comey then went on about how he willfully took advantage of some of the confusion during the Trump transition—coupled with the goodwill of his target—to go after General Flynn. Later, we learned that General Flynn’s son was targeted as well.