A Republic Under Assault Read online

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  As we approach the 2020 election and beyond, you can be assured that Judicial Watch will remain ever vigilant in our defense of the Constitution and the rule of law. And you will see we are relentless:

  in our pursuit of the full truth surrounding the Obama-Clinton CIA/DOJ/FBI/DNC Obamagate/Spygate ring that abused President Trump;

  in ensuring accountability for the coup cabal that pursued (and is pursuing) abusive impeachment;

  in revealing the truth about Hillary Clinton’s illegal email activities;

  in ensuring election integrity; and

  in protecting our border security and enforcing our immigration laws.

  These matters can seem overwhelming, and, indeed, together they form one of the gravest crises our nation has ever faced.


  George Orwell described the “memory hole” in his dystopian critique of the totalitarian Left, Nineteen Eighty-Four:

  When one knew that any document was due for destruction, or even when one saw a scrap of waste paper lying about, it was an automatic action to lift the flap of the nearest memory hole and drop it in, whereupon it would be whirled away on a current of warm air to the enormous furnaces which were hidden somewhere in the recesses of the building.

  Many would like nothing more than to use a memory hole to disappear the misdeeds of the Clintons, the Obamas, and their legion of cronies. Judicial Watch seeks to preserve history and ensure accountability by saving the evidence of these misdeeds from being lost to a Deep State memory hole.

  For instance, by getting Obama administration documents about the 2010–13 IRS targeting of the Tea Party and conservative opponents of Barack Obama, we showed, as detailed in our book Clean House, how the Obama Gang and its multiple allies within and outside our very own government used the IRS, the FBI, and the DOJ to undermine, overwhelm, and ultimately destroy Tea Party conservative groups they perceived to be a threat. This abuse helped suppress the most significant political movement in a generation and helped ensure the 2012 reelection of Barack Obama.

  Following this pattern of election year “cheating,” we now have Obamagate. We fight inch by inch for documents that show the unholy alliance of the Obama Gang and Clinton machine to use the Deep State CIA, FBI, NSA, Defense, and State Departments to attempt at first to stop the candidacy of Donald J. Trump. And when they failed miserably at that, they engaged in a perpetual coup to remove him from power.

  Orwell’s warning about totalitarianism was on my mind in February 2020 when I stepped to the podium to address the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

  I have had the great privilege of representing Judicial Watch—and all who support us—at CPAC for a number of years. But this time felt more imperative. Things were much more uncertain. More perilous.

  If anyone would understand that, it would be the attendees of CPAC. Including, in 2020, President Donald J. Trump. For it was he, more than anyone else, who represented the constant and ultimate target of the Deep State and its allies.

  As CPAC does bring together thousands of conservative leaders and organizations, I did want to remind them that thanks to the steadfast and growing support of all who believe in us and our mission, we are more active and vigilant than ever.

  But more than even that, I needed to remind them why we have to be so vigilant. I wanted to wave a bright red flag warning that the heinous agents and operatives from the Left were now more brazen and dangerous than ever as they worked in concert to shade or hide that past, so they could condemn us to repeat it all over again.

  But this time, so they could finally grab—and never relinquish—absolute power across the board of our republic. And with that power grab, extinguish our rights and freedoms forever.

  With that in mind, the title of my presentation to CPAC was turned into the title of this very book:

  Our Republic Is Under Assault

  My excerpted speech follows:

  The republic is under assault.

  You can see this through the continuing lawless attacks on President Trump.

  For almost four years now we have been busy uncovering the truth about the widest—and most destructive corruption in American history, the Deep State coup against President Donald Trump.

  The coup began as an attempt by high-ranking members of the Obama administration to rig the 2016 presidential election in favor of Hillary Clinton. Failing that, it developed into a full-blown effort to overthrow a legitimately elected president of the United States. Comey effectively spied on Trump with Obama’s implicit approval. And, the Deep State coup plotters in the DOJ and FBI talked of wearing wires in the Oval Office and invoking the 25th Amendment.

  Then, after Robert Mueller’s special counsel partisans failed to deliver the goods, the coup cabal led by Adam Schiff, abused whistleblower laws in one of the gravest abuses of Congress ever. President Trump was “impeached forever” as Nancy Pelosi so childishly put it. But he was also acquitted forever in the Senate.

  The Mainstream Media won’t use the word “coup” to describe these continuing plots against the president, but that is what it is. And I’m using the present tense because, despite a few setbacks, the coup continues to this day.

  The biggest enemy of the coup plotters, and the thing they have fought most vigorously against, is one thing—the truth. And despite their best efforts at covering up what they have done, the truth is coming out.

  In a sane world the whole Obama/Clinton/Deep State gang would be worried about prosecution and accountability. I mean Obama, Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, both the Bidens, Rice, Comey, McCabe, Kerry, Bruce Ohr (and Nellie), the Fusion GPS crowd, and, of course, Strzok and Page—the two figures whose texts exposed the true motive behind the attacks on Trump. BTW, you heard me right—I said Obama. Obama knew. Frankly, if we are going to be impeaching presidents then we should impeach Obama. It isn’t too late.

  And, of course, there is the heavy lifting by Judicial Watch to expose the abuse of the president. Who needs an IG when you have Judicial Watch? We exposed that the FBI, in a joint operation with the Clinton campaign, paid the foreign spy Steele for dirt on Trump. That’s right—your tax dollars helped pay for Hillary Clinton’s foreign spy to target President Trump. We also exposed that the FISA warrant fraud and the fact the FISA court held not one darn hearing on spy warrants targeting candidate Trump and then President Trump. And we exposed how Bruce and Nellie Ohr funneled what they should have known was misinformation into the DOJ and FBI, used to try to implicate Trump. We uncovered that Bruce Ohr got a $28,000 bonus in the middle of the Russiagate spying on Trump—and then got a raise after he was caught for improperly colluding with Clinton spy Christopher Steele. Why is Ohr still at DOJ!

  I tell you what—the best FISA reform would be to prosecute those who illegally spied on President Trump (and Lord knows who else)—to prosecute the Spygate ring and put them in jail.

  Unfortunately, the Justice Department has been frozen when it comes to prosecuting the real bad guys. Comey got a pass. McCabe got a pass. And there’s no evidence of major prosecutions against any other significant players. Worse yet, the Justice Department is still protecting Hillary Clinton as Judicial Watch forces out more emails and more evidence of criminal conduct. The statute of limitations has not run on Hillary Clinton, by the way!

  And, in the meantime, the president ought to start pardoning Flynn, Stone, Manafort, and the other Americans caught up the abusive Mueller machine.

  The craven Left is not just attacking our republic through its assault on President Trump.

  Our republic is also facing the continuing challenge of border security.

  Borders are critical to our country. They protect us and keep us safe. They define us as a nation. And, as you can see with the coronavirus, secure borders also protect the public health.

  But open borders activists encouraged, aided, and funded mass caravans that further stressed our southern border. President Tr
ump has taken strong action to control the assault on our sovereignty, but he’s faced dishonest opposition from anti-Trump activist judges and sanctuary politicians who placed politics over the public safety.

  [And] we have sanctuary cities and states where police and other officials are told not to cooperate with federal law enforcement trying to enforce the law. These sanctuary policies are illegal and dangerous. Judicial Watch is suing to stop them in California, particularly in San Francisco.

  So we have tens of millions of legal and illegal aliens present in the United States and we’re expected to believe none of them vote?

  Also of grave concern are the attacks on clean elections that highlight how our republic is also under threat at the ballot box. Judicial Watch has a massive project to force states and counties across the nation to clean up their voter rolls. The Justice Department should be doing this, but it is largely AWOL, so we have to—because dirty election rolls can mean dirty elections.

  We just found (in 2019) that there are least 2.5 million extra names on the voting rolls. Believe it or not, this is good news. Because our prior analysis found 3.5 million extra names on the rolls. So our pressure and lawsuits are working. In Los Angeles County, our federal lawsuit resulted in a settlement agreement requiring the county to remove as many as 1.6 million “inactive” voters over the next few years!

  And, let me ask you this. Why would the Left so reflexively oppose clean election rolls, voter ID, and citizenship verifications for voting, and promote dangerous practices like ballot harvesting? I think it is because they want to be able to steal elections when necessary.

  The Soros-funded Left has hundreds of groups attacking clean elections and voter ID (and now even the Electoral College)! And on the other side is Judicial Watch and one or two other groups. As I say, we are happy to do the heavy lifting but we all have to realize all our debates about taxes and abortion and health care don’t mean a lick if the Left can steal our elections to maintain and expand power.

  Never before in our nation’s history have we seen such a sustained attack on our republican form of government.

  And remember, the assault on our borders continues. Rising leftists openly call for open borders and seek to erase the distinction between citizens and noncitizens. I tell you what, if you erase our borders, you erase our country.

  And now voter fraud is the civil rights issue of our time. Who stands for the civil rights of voters who votes are stolen? The Left would pretend voter fraud is no big deal. How many fraudulent votes are too many? In this era of close elections, even one is too many.

  In too many ways, our republic is tottering. They tried to overturn our elections and they are trying to erase our borders.

  What do we do? Judicial Watch has shown the way—enforce the law, put the coup cabal in jail, and dry up the swamp by bringing the sunlight of transparency!

  And my simple advice for President Trump: Pardons, Prosecutions, and Transparency.

  * * *

  In the body of those remarks I gave before the CPAC conference were the most chilling words any American who believes in the rule of law could possibly hear:

  “A Deep State coup attempt against a president of the United States of America.” In this particular case, Donald J. Trump.

  A coup attempt—initially—begun by high-ranking members of the Obama administration to rig the 2016 presidential election in favor of Hillary Clinton. Once that effort failed and Trump was elected in November 2016, it instantly evolved into a full-blown effort to overthrow a legitimately elected president of the United States.

  Please think about that for a moment. Operatives from the Deep State whose only duty and obligation is to protect the security of our nation and all in it conspired as one to overthrow a constitutionally, legally, and legitimately elected president of the United States.

  As a tagline from the old horror movie Black Christmas once stated: “If that doesn’t make your skin crawl, it’s on too tight.”

  But, the truth is, this real-life plot against President Trump by the Left would have been deemed utterly ridiculous by Hollywood producers if it had been written as a screenplay.

  “There’s no way,” one of these liberal Hollywood producers would have proclaimed, “that moviegoers are going to remotely believe that an FBI director would spy on the opposition party’s candidate with the former president’s complete approval. No way. And then on top of that, this idiot screenwriter is including Deep State operatives from the FBI and the DOJ joining in on this political hit job as they talk about wearing wires into the Oval Office to entrap the now opposition party’s president and they would talk about invoking the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to get rid of him. Come on! Do you think that our moviegoers are that stupid?”

  And yet, as we know, every bit of it is true; every bit happened.

  All of this betrayal followed by Robert Mueller’s failed, special counsel partisan circus, which was then followed by Adam Schiff’s pathetic impeachment-coup-cabal show, which openly abused the whistleblower laws so Schiff and Nancy Pelosi could say President Donald J. Trump was “impeached forever” in the House of Representatives.

  In a number of real ways, this plot began on June 16, 2015. That was the day when then private citizen and businessman Donald J. Trump rode down that escalator at Trump Tower in New York City with his wife, Melania Trump, to announce his candidacy for president of the United States.

  The wheels of unethical and clearly criminal intent began to turn that very day in the minds of those who were determined to retain the status quo of the Obama-Clinton years at all costs.


  For those who may have forgotten all of the sordid details of the birth of that—still ongoing—coup attempt, what follows is a bit of a refresher course.

  Let’s name the course: The Deep-State Betrayal 101.

  Let us cast our minds back to April 2016. It was then that a firm by the name of Fusion GPS, headed up by former journalists turned political hatchet men Glenn R. Simpson and Peter Fritsch, was hired by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign to dig up dirt on then candidate Donald J. Trump.

  Please focus on one of the most pertinent facts in this case. The firm was hired by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

  Hired solely to dig up dirt on Donald J. Trump.

  While most in the liberal mainstream media and all in the Democrat Party tried to at first deny this, or at best, sweep it under the rug, even the liberal Washington Post finally had to report on the connected dots of the case.

  Said the Washington Post in part: “Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct research… in April of 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC.”

  Fusion in turn hired one of Britain’s former top spies on Russia. An ethically challenged operative by the name of Christopher Steele. Remember him?

  Steele, as it turned out—and it is completely no surprise considering the people involved in this truly amateur plot—did indeed have very murky connections to assorted bad characters in Russia as well as our very own FBI and other three-letter U.S. agencies. Imagine that.

  Steele, then seemingly anxious to cobble together something for the very large amount of money Fusion GPS was paying him, produced a thirty-five-page report filled with ludicrous, salacious, and completely unfounded allegations against Donald J. Trump.

  As we now know, all were totally discredited, leaving some to wonder if some or all of the charges simply flowed from Steele’s fertile and biased imagination.

  Leaving aside the outright salacious, one of the more ridiculous allegations in the dossier was that Trump was offered bribes of more than one billion U.S. dollars by the Russian state-controlled oil monopoly Rosneft to end U.S. trade sanctions on Russia if he won the election in November 2016.

  The other highly absurd, provably false alleg
ation against Trump in the Steele dossier—and the one that became the fuel for the unhinged minds of the Democrats and liberal mainstream media—was that Trump officials secretly met with Russian officials to collude on “hacking” the Democrats during the 2016 election.

  Again, all of this was a political hit job and fairy tale orchestrated by those on the left determined to ensure Hillary Clinton’s victory in November 2016.

  The hardworking people of the United States ultimately paid tens of millions of their tax dollars to have the eighteen-month long, highly biased, highly tainted, highly incompetent, and highly disgraced Comey-Mueller-FBI investigations forced to finally admit what every honest American already knew—that there was absolutely no collusion between Trump and Russia. None. Snake eyes.

  And yet, look at the great and lasting damage that piece of fictional trash has done to our nation.

  A majority of that damage coming from the fact that the disgraceful, disgusting, and discredited “Steele Dossier” was used as a pretense by some Deep State operatives in the FBI to convince a FISA court to let the FBI spy on the Trump campaign and some of its officials.

  See how that works? Bad actors within our very own FBI use false information from a fictional report to give themselves permission to spy on innocent fellow Americans.

  The Federal Bureau of Investigation—sworn to protect the United States of America and her citizens—used a completely fake dossier paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign to spy on Donald Trump.

  Nauseating, dangerous, and treasonous are but the first three words that come to mind to describe such un-American conduct.

  But wait. Naturally, it gets worse and much sleazier.

  Inventing the fictional and discredited report was just the beginning of the mission to smear Trump and steal an election.